Monday, December 13, 2010

Good Christian men rejoice, with heart and soul and voice....

Good Christian Men Rejoice by Henrich Suso

It's a classic song that was picked to sing at Pioneer's night service yesterday. I love it.

Brief update today, and more tomorrow or the next day. Lots of traveling, lots of snow, and a new year on the way. Can it actually be halfway through December already.

I feel like I have learned more about myself and who God faithfully continues to be to me in this week than maybe in the past year. I am not even sure how to explain it, but with my pride on high and understanding where lie sin my life are believed, God has taught me and has continued to mold me despite my unbelief, or at least living like I don't believe.

I am going to start a girl's middle school bible study at the beginning of the year and I look forward to it! To be able to pour into middle school girls and just have good discussion. I can't wait.

Done for now.


1 comment:

j.p. said...

Always good to hear how God is working in your life. I love that you are blogging again. I love that I am blogging again since I have my computer back. Praying for you often.