Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This is my December, This is my time of the year...

My December / Linkin Park

Decided to rock it old school. Just sayin' I am so excited. It's snowing, It's chilly and all of that makes today awesome.

I have been reading a CS Lewis devotional and it is making me really want to dive into The Pilgrim's Regress. I had never really heard of it until I started doing this daily devotional that has people reflecting on certain lines of CS Lewis' books and than adding words of wisdom and a bible verse. I figure the devotional is as deep as your taking it.

Today was awesome though. Apparently in the book [I just have to read it] the pilgrim who is seeking out this island which really ends up being Him seeking for God, he runs into reason and romance. Reason made sense to be, the Romanticism is that alignment for head and heart to coincide. That doesn't often happen, but I think a huge part of this which CS Lewis goes over again in Screwtape Letters is the perspective shift from seeking God to trying to find reason and peace for self totally about the feeling, ad about self. I think the term used was self-referential.

More of that pride stuff.

I am loving camp though, and to be completely honest so much more than I thought I would. The ministry done here is remarkable even in the off season and the camp families. Pretty much one of the coolest Christian communities I have lived in. It's really been awesome seeing great godly relationships across the board: families, fathers, parenting. Good examples for me. I will probably go off on a tangent about this at some point because it has ha a huge impact in my life, and my relationship with GOD. Yahtzee!

So how's camp? To quote McDonald's 'I'm loving it.'

Tash Tash

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