Saturday, February 12, 2011

Your love is shaking me-my heart is breaking free...

Love.Bridge Band.

This song shuffled through my itunes the other day, and it pretty much has been stuck in my head ever since. I have recently started my own version of the Daniel Fast in efforts to refocus on what is important and what truly matters.

It has been dubbed the "love fast" in my prayer journal. Just because I want to get back to the basics. I am a believer because Christ died for me, Showing LOVE. God LOVES me, and we are called to LOVE our neighbor. They are basic truths I am looking to get back too. Belief and trust play into this as well, because it is time. Time to live, live what we believe and show through that who we trust.

Lots of things like the Middle School bible study, and recent conversations are striking up thoughts. Did I mention I love those deep, real conversations? They are my favorite especially the theological ones. I really need to get back into all the reading I used to do on religions and the fun apologetics! Miss that!

New things are happening, old things are leaving,and I am praying God's love would shake me, this week especially.


I'm out.

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