Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday

I am going to try and blog once a week during Lent we shall see how that goes. I have started a new devotional that focuses on writing prayers down, and so here is the ASH Wednesday prayer entitled 'Caffeine'.

Wake up!
Wake up, my soul, from your winter slumber
and stretch your tired limbs to savor this season

Shake off your routines like bedcovers
Plant your feet on the ground
for the journey

Clear you eyes of sleep
Take in the sight of a new day
for loving you God

Feast on prayer and scripture
Attend to the holy life and in love
Do not weary

Wake up!
Wake up, my soul,
to experience your greatest joy
Be actively present in this day, in this season

God will refresh your spirit -Hackenberg

Ash Wednesday coming to a close.


Here is what I wrote for today an excerpt:

O Lord God, You know-

Your spirit to fall fresh

Your blood to cleanse

Your love to shower

Your heart to heal

Restore me, Refresh me

Hydrate these dry dry bones
Tend to my wounds, that are so deep


Fill me with life again, counter my weariness

Lead me
No more dry bones! No more dry bones of my spirit.


1 comment:

j.p. said...

Can I just tell you how I excited I get when I see that you have posted a blog?! The best thing about writing your prayers is being able to go back and revisit where you and God were at different points in your life. I love going through my old notebooks...especially when I am in a dark or barren place...Thanks for sharing!