Monday, September 5, 2011

God is Enough: Labor Day at NETwork

It's Labor Day and I'm at NETwork. It's only a short walk down the street from my new apartment. I'm loving it. I do actually have work to get done, but thought I'd take a second to share some thoughts.

I miss camp,  but the kids have been coming by today, and I am just excited for what is next. I start my FLAVA program in a couple weeks. It's challenging here but...I'm learning, I'm growing. I got a year older, an apartment, and started a new job all in one week. Car comes next week. God is so good.

I also came to the conclusion that I have a lot of stuff. I moved into my  apartment, and realized that I have so many things, and if I am not going to use them to glorify God. I need to get rid of it.donate it. toss it.

Let us live above reproach. God is enough.

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