Monday, November 14, 2011

thankful for things, dreamy weather

I am taking a turn in my blogging, no more song titles, just a constant update of what's going on, I honestly don't think anyone read these, but I like to look back on them. It has been awhile since I have been on here, but God has continued to bestow is blessings upon me.

I am so thankful for such a good transition and my students.

Just last week, I took 11 students and some high school "helpers" to Baltimore. Praise God for safety and fun; it truly was a blast. I love them, and love spending time with them. They have taught me what it means to be honest, genuine and the importance of consistency and devotion.

This Baltimore trip was amazing because I  learned a lot about them when I interact with them, sure, I hear things like "I wish I had money" or "I always order off the kids menu because it's cheaper", but these students don't what my money, they want my time. They want me to love them, and invest in them, and even though they don't want to admit it..they want to learn. Some of them are scared to turn out like their dads or moms, some of them question their situation and the Lord, but they ALL want something-and they ALL need Jesus. They want attention and to be loved, and cared prayer is that I can do that through Christ. That I can love them well; being a reflection of the One who loves and cares for us more than anyone else!

These kids are honest, they say how they feel, they say whatever they are thinking, but their honesty is so contagious, and I laugh so much. All the time, really. Between them, and time in the office with my co-workers, I am just learning and growing so much. It is an ongoing cycle. And slowly my students are beginning to understand that I am not just trying to have fun, but to come alongside them and help them "do" life.

It is crazy, but I am thankful for things and loving this dreamy weather. Really what I am doing is amzing to be a part of, I just love waking up and giving my day to the Lord.

May He be glorified, ALONE;


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